Super Flower Blood Full Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius
This is a time of heightened intuition, epiphanies, and revelations. Use the energies of this Eclipse to strengthen your connection with your most authentic true self.
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This is a time of heightened intuition, epiphanies, and revelations. Use the energies of this Eclipse to strengthen your connection with your most authentic true self.
Consider this… you have a powerful opportunity this Tuesday to set an intention for new growth in an area related to what you find most beautiful & what you truly value above all else. What comes to mind? Are there particular resources you value which come up when you think about this? Think about where you receive nurturing & nourishment. This could be a relationship with someone else, your relationship with yourself, your finances, your dreams… What nourishes you? What nourishes your soul?
This full pink supermoon is all about releasing old fears, expectations, ways of thinking, & being, to allow space for rebirth so we can move forward in a way that is much more aligned with how we would want to show up in the world.
The main themes surrounding the energy of this full moon are, self-love, self-acceptance, & taking the steps we need to release attachments to people-pleasing so we can focus more on what it is we need to not only be fair to others, but ourselves.
Welcome to new beginnings! Many of us have been taking a good look at the path we’ve chosen over the last few weeks. What have you discovered? What have you released? This is the first new moon of 2020, following an incredibly energetic eclipse season, so this is the first time we’re planting seeds of …
Our first eclipse of the new decade takes place January 10, 2020 at 2:21 pm EST in the sign of Cancer – the sign ruled by the watery energy of the moon. This sign’s energy and themes focus on emotions, nurturing, home-building, safety, and a sense of belonging and worthiness.
You are enough. Use this Capricorn energy to get clear on your direction, meditate, create vision boards, lists of appreciation and gratitude.
Full moons are a great time of reflection… as the moon fully reflects the light of the sun, this is the perfect time for us to look inward, reflecting on the path we have chosen, assess what is working well, and what could use some adjustment. Adding to this, the knowledge that we are not only about to close another year, but a decade…
There is an energetic explanation for everything… Tomorrow (November 12, 2019) at 8:34 am EST, we will be at the height of the energy of this full moon in Taurus.During this time, Mercury is also in retrograde (until November 20) which may cause…
Sunday 5:07 pm
We will be at the height of the magnificent energy of this full moon in Aries. This highly creative energy, encouraging us to go after what we want is already here now.