Whom do you have the potential to be?
“What you’re supposed to do when you don’t like a thing is change it. If you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.”
~Maya Angelou
We make thousands of choices all day long, every day. Life is too short to be anything but happy. If you’re not happy (at least for the majority of your moments), it’s time to make some different choices. Set intentions for the life you want to experience and make all the choices that will lead you there. Some changes may feel unfamiliar, so it may be a bit uncomfortable, but you can always choose to offer love for yourself and who you are becoming, and love the process that brings you there.
Please take a few moments to visualize – close your eyes and envision yourself in a state of joy. Consider all the details. How do you look? How do you feel? What do you see? Where are you? What do you smell? What do you hear? What do you taste? What do you feel? Who is with you?
Envisioning yourself living the life you want, experiencing a sense of joy and wholeness, is the first step to living life with intention. Although all of life has its ups and downs, we can always shift how we respond in our minds, outwardly in our lives, and adjust future choices. We are never stuck returning to old patterns because they are familiar, unless we choose this.
The choices I’ve made in my journey have led me here – on a quest to understand the why behind the physical issues we confront, the energetic and emotional source of our discomfort, and how we can find a greater sense of flow in life. I’ve studied some of the subtle body energy systems for many years and have personally experienced significant shifts through the use of practices which, it turns out, are thousands of years old.
I’m excited to share some of the information about emotions stored in the body and techniques which can help free this energy next weekend through practices based on Meridian and Chakra theory at the Maha Hatha Slow offering at Cape Coral Yoga & Pilates (see below for details). I have personally experienced dramatic shift in my own life, mind, and body through study and application of these practices with my teacher over the last several years and I look forward to the opportunity to share with you.
Also, this month, I begin intensive study towards a Master of Science Degree in Maharishi AyurVeda and Integrative Medicine at Maharishi International University. Education at this University is centered around consciousness and meditation. The Maharishi AyurVeda system uses the wisdom of one of the world’s oldest medical systems, which originated in India and evolved over thousands of years, integrating natural techniques with modern medicine for a more balanced approach to wellness.
I am beyond excited to share and offer AyurVedic services beginning soon. Stay tuned…
As part of this journey, I will be spending the entire month of September on campus for my first week of clinical study and then in India for several weeks, returning to Southwest Florida to begin my next 200 hour yoga teacher training offering October 2.
But, before I go, I’d love for you to join present me for any of the below offerings, including a free Open House tomorrow morning at Cape Coral Yoga & Pilates. Please, read on…
yoga, meditation, energy work, anatomy, physiology, biomechanics,
pranayama, yoga philosophy, astrology, business things,
and not give up your whole life to do it?
Join me tomorrow (Sunday) morning to talk,
ask your questions, peruse some great reference materials,
and meet with some other interested members of our community.
Stop by Cape Coral Yoga & Pilates
Can’t make it to the open house, but have questions?
Just email WellnessCraze@gmail.com
More details below
(based on Meridian & Chakra Theory)
with Sheri Craze, E-RYT 500, YACEP
Participate live in the studio at
Cape Coral Yoga & Pilates
1:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Meridian (energy pathway) and Chakra (energy center) theory.
are related to energy movement / flow through the body
Want to deepen your knowledge and understanding of
yoga, meditation, energy work, anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, pranayama, yoga philosophy, astrology, business things, and not give up your whole life to do it? Beginning again October 2 meet live on Zoom or in person (or mix it up!) Sundays only (through June 2023) (approved in accordance with the new elevated standards for a
Registered Yoga School – RYS 200 credential) with energy work focus
includes Crystal Reiki I and Astrology Basics Develop the solid foundation you need to teach with confidence (if you choose to), be supported in identifying goals for your business, and create an effective strategy to make them happen
Space is limited – so you get a more personalized experience
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm Meditation live in person at the studio or on Zoom… please click here to register: Cape Coral Yoga & Pilates
6:00 pm All Levels Yoga live on Zoom… contact WellnessCraze@gmail.com for more information or to register (donations appreciated, but not required)
5:45 pm – 6:45 pm Yoga / Pilates Fusion live in person at the studio or on Zoom… please click here to register: Cape Coral Yoga & Pilates
10:45 am – 11:45 am Gentle Yoga (often with myofascial release techniques and/or Meridian work) live in person at the studio or via Zoom… please click here to register: Cape Coral Yoga & Pilates
12:00 pm – 12:45 pm Mat Pilates live in person at the studio or on Zoom… please click here to register: Cape Coral Yoga & Pilates
**Note, I will be traveling beginning September 2, returning to a regular schedule as of October. Weekly classes will continue as scheduled with some other pretty amazing teachers while I’m away.
Enjoy an evening with your friends / family learning about
energy, crystals, stones, and how to use them to manifest your desires
(Now scheduling December)
Email WellnessCraze@gmail.com for more info!
Work with me * I offer Yoga and Pilates sessions, Meditation sessions and workshops, Mindset Mastery and Energy Coaching sessions, Astrology readings, Crystal Reiki trainings (Levels One, Two, and Master/Teacher), – in person or via Zoom or Skype, and Yoga Alliance approved 200 Hour Hatha/Raja Yoga Teacher Trainings. Click here to schedule your personal session, click here for live group events and classes, or email WellnessCraze@gmail.com to discuss how I can facilitate your journey now.
Now offering AstroYoga sessions * AstroYoga allows us to develop yoga sequences to help you balance the energies in your personal natal chart, based on the current placements of the planets, or both… email WellnessCraze@gmail.com for more info.
Shop WellnessCraze on Etsy.com
Practice with me @capecoralyoga and on Zoom… public class schedule listed above, Yoga Teacher Trainings (next round begins October 2 – Sundays only – in person or live Zoom option available), workshops, private sessions including meditation, Maha Hatha Slow (practices based on Meridian and Chakra theory), and AstroYoga available.
Questions? It would be my pleasure to assist you! Just click reply.
May your dreams become your reality and may you enjoy every step along your journey.
You are limitless.
*Yoga *Meditation *Reiki *Astrology Readings *AstroYoga *Maha Hatha Slow (practices based on Meridian & Chakra Theory) *Pilates *Crystal Reiki Trainings (Levels One, Two, and Master/Teacher) *Yoga Alliance approved 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Trainings (Energy work focused – including Crystal Reiki I and Astrology basics)