Shaken, Not Stirred – August 2018 Newsletter
Big changes in the Wellness Craze world this summer!
In support of a career opportunity for her husband, and so her children could be closer with family, Stephanie moved back to Indiana this July. Stephanie is re-acclimating to corn fields and hills, while Sheri is still enjoying sunny southwest Florida and plans to stay!
Stephanie will be visiting southwest Florida (often) with her first visit scheduled in late September. We would love to invite you to join us at one or both workshops we will be hosting together at Yoga Tribe in Fort Myers on Sunday, September 23 – a Mindset Mastery Mini-Series at 3:00 pm and a SoulCare Mini-Retreat at 5:00 pm!
We created Wellness Craze as an online platform, so that educators and inquisitors from all over the globe would have a place to connect and we can all learn from each another. In this world of technology, it doesn’t matter where we live. You can still reach both of us for private yoga & coaching sessions by clicking here.
Upcoming online courses brought to you by Wellness Craze:
- Life Balance Strategy Primer Course with Educators Sheri Craze & Stephanie McCandless
- Mindset Mastery Online Coaching Certification with Educators Sheri Craze & Stephanie McCandless
- Health, Wealth, & Business Mastery – A 77 Day Journey For The Soul Driven Entrepreneur with Educator Victoria Haffer, M.S.
- SoulCare with Educator Stephanie McCandless
- Become a SoulCare Practitioner with Educator Stephanie McCandless
- Be A Chakra Ninja! with Educator Sheri Craze
- Be A Crystal Ninja! with Educator Sheri Craze
- Spiritual Energy Empowerment Certification Program with Educator Sheri Craze
Click here for information on our upcoming courses.
Please read on for our free gift to you…
You can catch Sheri for live classes, workshops, & Spiritual Energy Empowerment Sessions at both Yoga Tribe in Fort Myers Sunday mornings, Monday mornings, Tuesday evenings, Wednesday mornings, & Friday evenings as well as a new class at THRIVE Yoga & Wellness Wednesday evenings in Cape Coral.
Click here to view the most updated schedule & read on for workshop descriptions below.
You can be on the lookout for live classes and workshops with Stephanie in Indiana. Stephanie is also available to do individual SoulCare Sessions live in Indiana and via conference calls so that you can experience SoulCare from your happy place anywhere in the world!
We have one spot that just opened for the
“Yoga Under The Tuscan Sun!”
Italian Yoga Retreat,
October 1st-7th.
If you would like more information,
email Stephanie at StephanieAMcCandless@gmail.com.
Yoga Tribe Fort Myers
Sheri Craze
Sunday, August 19, 2018
12:30 pm – 2:00 pm
Restore & Roll The Stress Away!
(Ball Rolling & Restorative Yoga)
Free yourself from tension!
Learn tools to target muscle tightness and help you relax. Using techniques of self-myofascial release, you can alleviate knots and tension in the fascia (connective tissue in muscles and throughout the body), relaxing with some restorative yoga poses in between. We will show you how you can allow fascia to move more freely by targeting adhesions in the muscle fiber, in effect, increasing blood flow to muscle tissue to aid in healing. This practice is for “All Bodies” experiencing tension, headaches, stiff neck, shoulder tension, sciatica, low back or hip pain, tightness in hamstrings, calves, quadriceps or IT band, foot pain, plantar fasciitis and many more!
No yoga experience is necessary!
doTERRA oils will be incorporated into this workshop, an opportunity for questions and answers about oils, and an opportunity to purchase oils will be available after the workshop.
Space is limited, sign up soon! $25
Yoga Tribe Fort Myers
Mindset Mastery Mini-Series
Sunday, September 23, 2018
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
What is Mindset Mastery?
Mindset is the established set of attitudes or beliefs held by someone.
Mindset Mastery is the ability to acknowledge those thoughts that enter your mind which should be focused on because they are for your highest & greatest good & to actively dismiss those thoughts which do not serve you, without giving them any focus of your valuable energy.
During this workshop, you will learn practical tools that will help you discover how to recognize which mindsets are no longer serving you so you can shift, developing new mindsets which will allow you thrive and create the life you desire!
GET CLEAR!! with Sheri & Stephanie to improve the flow of your life by empowering you with daily life applications so you can live a more fulfilled & happy life.
What’s stopping you?
Investment: $25
Click here to reserve your space now!
Bring a notebook, pen, and your open mind.
#liveyourbestlife #youareyouronlylimit #wellnesscraze #nourishtoflourish #rediscoveryourvitality #yogatribe
Yoga Tribe Fort Myers
SoulCare Mini-Retreat With Stephanie & Sheri
Sunday, September 23, 2018
5:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Explore the relationship between yoga and wholeness through SoulCare,
while learning to nourish your mind, body, soul, & spirit.
This SoulCare Mini-Retreat will begin with a meditation &
a 45-minute Slow-Flow Practice with Sheri Craze
that will connect your mind, body, and breath.
Stephanie McCandless will then discuss
practical life application tools you can use
to work through any disappointment, hurt, pain, or trauma that this
life has thrown your way
empowering you to nourish your soul and
move forward with a fresh perspective.
Investment: $35
Click here to reserve your space now!
Saturday, October 13, 2018 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Myofascial Release & Restore
at THRIVE Yoga & Wellness Cape Coral
Join Sheri Craze to discover tools and techniques of self-myofascial release to alleviate knots and tension in the muscle fascia (connective tissue in the muscles and throughout the body). You’ll learn ways to allow your fascia to move more freely by targeting adhesions in the muscle fiber to increase blood flow to your muscle tissue to aid in healing. This all levels practice is for anyone and is beneficial for those experiencing tension, headaches, stiff neck, shoulder tension, sciatica, low back or hip pain, tightness in the hamstring, calves, quadriceps or IT band, foot pain, plantar fasciitis and much more!
Space is limited, sign up soon! $30 ($25 with pre-registration)
And now …….. the moment you’ve been waiting for…….. your free gift!
Click here to receive an email with Wellness Craze’s
complimentary life balance strategy primer.
We hope to see you soon!
~Sheri & Stephanie
Your Support Team