Are you tired of living your life stuck in day to day details, not really sure of the direction you’re heading?
Do you feel disconnected from who you truly are?
Listening to the suggestions of how other people believe you should live your life…
There’s a better way… Now is your time!
With the right support, you will discover exactly what you need to manifest anything you desire & live the life that makes you feel like your most authentic self!
This is a customized program for you, not a “cookie cutter” online program designed for any random person.
Your Road Map To Owning Your Energy program will give you a much better understanding of your soul’s journey in this life. The sooner you align yourself with your soul’s path, the more fulfilled you will feel along your journey.
What you get
Your Road Map To Owning Your Energy program includes:
- your astrological (natal) chart reading. This will give us a blueprint of exactly the energies you were born to embody, what your tendencies are, where your strengths & weaknesses lie, the energies surrounding your major life lessons, as well as paths you could take towards your soul’s purpose;
- the current positions of the planets & what energetic influences you can expect to be present in the near future so you can make more informed choices;
- tools you can use to enhance your connection with your energy field, methods for maintaining good “energetic hygiene”;
- ways to cultivate more awareness about how & where you might be influenced by the energies of others, how you can set, protect, & strengthen your energetic boundaries;
- assistance with designing a big life goal plan that’s in accordance with your soul’s journey, core values, & tools you can use to stay on this path;
- an AstroYoga practice created around your energetic needs;
- a pre-recorded guided meditation created just for you to access anytime, anywhere.
Initial 5 Session Package $777.77 (initial session 90 minutes, subsequent sessions 60 minutes)
Additional sessions as needed $155.55
*Be in the comfort of your own home or happy place! All sessions via phone or webcam*
Click below to schedule your initial session.
**Don’t let financial issues stop your growth! Payment plans available… email WellnessCraze@gmail.com to discuss payment plan options.
Own your energy today!
Click here for live group events and classes.
The finer details:
To ensure you receive the results you want with the most accurate transit reading, all 5 initial sessions must be used within 3 months of the first scheduled session. Following this initial 3 month period, any additional sessions scheduled are $155.55 per 60 minutes. Cancellations require 48 hours notice to WellnessCraze@gmail.com or you will be charged for that full session. All sessions must be pre-paid. For the most accurate astrological chart reading, your exact date, time, & location of birth are required.