First Eclipse 2020 – Full Moon In Cancer Pulls Us In Different Directions
Our first eclipse of the new decade takes place January 10, 2020 at 2:21 pm EST in the sign of Cancer – the sign ruled by the watery energy of the moon. This sign’s energy and themes focus on emotions, nurturing, home-building, safety, and a sense of belonging and worthiness.
Full moons are a time of reflection…
a time to look inward, reflecting on the path we have chosen, and determine what to let go of to shine our brightest light. This is when we do our best shadow work. Are you ready to let go of what’s been weighing you down – or are you so attached to the familiarity that you cling to this no matter how much harm it causes you? It’s time to look at our areas of discomfort (did someone say fears?) so we can grow exponentially and turn those fear voices down!
Remember, your natal chart shows your own very personal unique energetic signatures, so the current energetic influences will vary person by person, according to the locations of the planets in each individual natal chart.
Cardinal signs are likely to experience the most intensity
Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, listen up! …and this also applies to you if one of these signs is your Moon sign or your Rising sign. If we’re doing our exploratory work on ourselves, this is the time we are looking at aspects of ourselves we might not want to see. When we’re doing our shadow work, we need to always remember going to the darkest places within ourselves is often the way through to the brightest.
Capricorn Stellium
Opposing this highly emotional, energetic moon, are a number of planets in the sign Capricorn, including, Mercury conjunct the Sun. The Sun is the archetypal representation of our identity and Mercury represents our thoughts and communication and they are working together here to basically shine a floodlight on what is hidden. So, what are the hidden stories? What are the scary stories? What kind of stories do you want to tell? Whose voice is it telling these stories?
Saturn And Pluto Conjunction
Also opposing this moon are Saturn and Pluto in the sign of Capricorn which will be exactly conjunct on January 12. The energy of this conjunction is indicative of great transformation. Saturn is at home here in Capricorn in its structured secure energy. Pluto’s energy is that of the deep transformative work of psychological practices. Pluto shows us where we are most afraid to let go. Capricorn energy is all about getting things done, being responsible and committed. With Saturn & Pluto conjunct in Capricorn, some of us might be feeling a lot of pressure – pressure stemming from fears around areas we might think we can control, but really can’t. This might show up as scarcity thinking – feeling like there isn’t enough of anything – or it could show up as a worry or belief that we aren’t enough.
What do you do for you?
What’s going to be really important over the next few days and weeks is focusing on self-care. Think about what you do for yourself that you do primarily for yourself. What are the practices you go to when you feel less than? Do you go to affirmations? Do you have a validation board or list to easily review accomplishments to help you feel better? Vision boards are great, but sometimes we need to focus on what we have done instead of what we plan to do… Do you have a meditation practice which allows you to tap in to a universal abundant source of energy and knowledge?
Can you just be in this space?
The Moon is also forming a sesquisquare with Mars in the sign Sagittarius – a fire sign. So, some of us might also be feeling a pressure to move forward, but at the same time, be craving some stability and stillness. Sometimes it feels easier to act on an idea, rather than staying in the quiet stillness with our emotions, but this is not the way that will lead to our greatest growth.
The Moon is trine Neptune which is at home in the sign Pisces. Those of us who train in the area of intuition (and even if you don’t, you) may notice a much stronger pull to pause and listen here. Neptune helps us to reveal what is hidden beneath the surface and highlights what we need to focus on. Remember, you can give your best care to others only when you take care of yourself first.
Don’t try to force anything.
This is a great time to step back and observe. Observe what comes up without expectation, without judgment. Observe what seems to be your most prevalent feeling and see if you can find your way to its root. Distinguish what is reality and what is a story or a lie your mind has created. Look within to create your best inner stability and recognize when your fears are there to try to keep you safe and when your fears arise with no practical basis. If you haven’t been consistent with your meditation practice, commit now. Practice breathing techniques. Journal.
Take your best inventory. Slow down. We’re just getting started. The decade is just beginning. Notice your thoughts. Be kind to yourself. Be compassionate towards others. Always remember there is support.
We’re energetically being pulled in different directions as we restructure. There’s a strong opposition between the Moon in Cancer representing the emotional self and the stellium of planets currently stacked in Capricorn representing commitment, responsibility, and work. We need to acknowledge whatever thoughts or stories arise over the next few days to determine what feels stagnant and oppressive and what we can release so we can move forward to make this our best year.
The effects of eclipses last for about six months A lot of us are going to be extremely productive in the next 6 months, not only with working toward our goals, but on this journey of self-discovery – seeing ourselves for who and what we really are, beneath all of the stories & the lies we have told ourselves up until this point. Enjoy this first eclipse. It’s time to move past the lies and uncover the light beneath.
Work with me! I offer Yoga sessions, Mindset Mastery & Energy Coaching sessions, Astrology readings, and Crystal Reiki trainings (Levels one, two, & Master/Teacher) – in person or via webcam. Click here to schedule your personal session, click here for live group events and classes, or email WellnessCraze@gmail.com to discuss how I can help you on your journey now!