There is an energetic explanation for everything – Full Moon in Taurus November 12, 2019
I sit back comfortable in the knowledge & understanding always present, but the depths of which I was previously unaware… There is an energetic explanation for everything…
What is it about silence & stillness which sparks fear within you?
Do you feel like you always need to fill silence with noise? Is this external noise or chatter in your mind? Today, I invite you to give yourself permission to breathe… to be still… to be present.
Tomorrow (November 12, 2019) at 8:34 am EST, we will be at the height of the energy of this full moon in Taurus.
The full moon is the culmination of the lunar cycle & energy is released, so this is when many of us feel the most energetic influence from the moon. Taurus energy is about grounding, value systems, relationships, sensuality, & financial security & stability. Because we all have a unique natal chart, how this energy affects each of us will vary, however, there are certain common threads many of us will experience over the next several days.
During this time, Mercury is also in retrograde (until November 20) which may cause many of us to experience issues with everything concerning communication – misunderstandings, inaccuracies, miscommunications, emails & texts not being received timely, travel being affected, etc. Mercury’s energy is thinking, planning, communicating, & traveling, so, when Mercury is direct, there’s a lot of movement. When Mercury is in retrograde, it’s not only an opportunity to step back & observe, but often it’s our best option.
Mercury is conjunct the Sun in the sign Scorpio which is all about deep psychological transformations & healing at our deepest roots, so feelings we may have been burying might be coming to the surface during this time. Be patient. Breathe. Clear communication concerning your feelings may not be the easiest right now. Pluto is also trine the Moon, so anything we’re clinging to a little to tightly or trying to control might be coming up here as well. There is an energetic explanation for everything.
Take notice if you’re feeling triggered during this time, or if it feels like you’re encountering brick walls in your path. You may not feel like you’re in the space to just be still, but it’s in the stillness where we find growth. Instead of just barreling through, take step back from the trigger or the brick wall & reassess the situation. There may be another way to find ease & flow. If this leads you to feel like you have a lot of energy built up in the physical body, try some dance, yoga, running – physical movement to discharge the energy to decrease the likelihood of misdirecting it elsewhere. Allow the energy to return to the earth & see if you can find some compassion & forgiveness around whatever the situation is… dig deep if you have to!
The bottom line –
Think about the things in your life concerning money, career, or relationships that you’d like to shift, & choose one thing to focus on. Allow yourself the grace & permission to step back & observe your path. It’s okay to not try to push through resistance to try to get it all done yesterday. Can you take action on just one thing here which could propel you into living the life you desire? Be deliberate about your actions & don’t rush!

Does this resonate with you? I’d love to read your thoughts in the comments. <3
Photo by Guzmán Barquín on Unsplash