Finding Harmony & Balance During The New Moon In Libra
A powerful time for finding a harmonious balance especially with respect to taking action steps toward your goals and in your relationships, the New Moon in Libra reaches its energetic height Wednesday, October 6, 2021 at 7:05 am. With the Earth and the Sun on opposite sides of the moon, new moons are a perfect time to set new intentions and energetically make a fresh start. Because we are also experiencing retrograde energy with quite a number of planets – including Mercury (also in the sign Libra), we have an even more powerful opportunity to gain the clarity we seek if we take this time to do some introspective work.
For those of you keeping score, these are the planets in retrograde at the time of this New Moon: Mercury in Libra, Jupiter in Aquarius, Saturn in Aquarius, Uranus in Taurus, Neptune in Pisces, Pluto in Capricorn (Pluto stations direct later on in the day), and Chiron in Aries.
When a planet is retrograde, the energy that planet symbolizes is temporarily dormant or inverted, which allows us the opportunity to make some real advances on our self-discovery journeys if we take time to reflect on how it is we are showing up in life with respect to the energy the retrograde planet represents.
For example, because the planet Mercury symbolizes everything to do with how we gather, process, and communicate information, Mercury retrograde is a great opportunity to do some self-reflection centered around how we think and communicate. To make the most of this Mercury retrograde period, use this time to observe and step into the role of the witness of yourself. Observe your thoughts, the way you talk about yourself to others, the way you talk about yourself to yourself. Notice when the same thoughts in your mind seem to be circling (or spiraling), and pull from that, which parts of your stories are working for you and which parts simply aren’t.
Back to the Moon . . . the Moon energetically represents our unconscious drives and emotions, patterns, core beliefs we have about ourselves. You can really learn a lot about your feelings, basic needs, and what you need to feel good in life by studying the energies your Moon sign represents in your natal chart*.
This New Moon is in the sign Libra which is a Cardinal Air sign, energetically representing balance, diplomacy, fairness, beauty, art, and music. The planetary ruler of the sign Libra is Venus, representing how we see beauty in the world. So, during the next couple of days, as we experience the energy of this New Moon, take some time to observe your thoughts, your emotions, the core beliefs you have about yourself and notice – how can you shift your patters in a way that enables you feel more in a state of harmony with your most true inner Self? Where does it seem like your beliefs are at odds with how you see beauty in the world? How can you feel more at peace with the energies in both your heart and your mind?
The planet Mars, also in the sign Libra is forming a harmonious aspect with the New Moon. Mars represents our desire, will, action, physical energy, and drive. So, when you consider your answers to the questions around your thought and emotion patterns, also consider how the next action steps you take can be from a place of feeling centered, grounded, and calm as opposed to from a place of doing things out of a sense of obligation or fear. This seems to be a prevalent theme today – a friend was just talking with me this afternoon about relaxing into a situation instead of trying to push a desire through it. Hmmm . . .
This is a time of regeneration. Evaluate how do you want to move forward in life? How can you move forward in a way that speaks with (not to or at) your Soul Self? How can you allow your Soul Self to speak through you – your thoughts, words, actions – in a way that enables you to move forward from a place of calm?
The more we notice about why we think the way we do, the more we can shift the way we treat ourselves, which will effectively change how we move through life and interact with others. When we relax, we can hear and see so much more clearly. We owe it to ourselves to take the time to listen with compassion. Witness without judgment and without fear. Consider where are your opportunities to begin again? How are you ready to experience your next level of growth?
Always remember, you are what you think and you always have the power to choose where you focus your thoughts. Be kind to yourself.
You are limitless.
*Remember, your natal chart shows your own very personal unique energetic signatures, so the current energetic influences will vary person by person, according to the placements of the transit planets as well as the natal planets in each individual’s chart. For a little more insight, you can look at the house ruled by Libra in your natal chart.
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Now offering AstroYoga sessions! AstroYoga allows us to develop yoga sequences to help you balance the energies in your natal chart, based on the current placements of the planets, or both… DM for more info!
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