To Control Or Let Go During The Full Moon in Pisces
This Monday, September 20, 2021 at 7:54 pm ET, we experience the height of the energy of the Full Moon in Pisces. The Moon will be at 28 degrees Pisces, directly opposite the Sun at 28 degrees Virgo. A time of energy release, Full Moons are the perfect time to reflect on what patterns have been repeating, how we’ve been showing up for ourselves, where we’ve been resistant to change, and where we’ve been holding ourselves back from moving forward.
The last sign of the zodiac, Pisces represents endings – the integration of the wisdom gained as a result of experiences and the dreams representing what’s next, the recognition that everything is connected, and where boundaries can and should be dissolved.
When we work with the Virgo-Pisces axis, we are working with mutable energy. It’s a time of shifting – listening to and acknowledging our dreams, how we feel about those dreams, and how we bring those dreams down into our physical reality. Pisces represents dreams, intuition, and the interconnectedness of all, and Virgo represents service, routines, and details. So, this axis represents how we envision a life aligned with our Soul path and organize to manifestation. This Full Moon energy is all about reflecting on how we show up as whole beings – not just the fragmented pieces of ourselves many of us fall into patterns of acknowledging due to fear or worry, where we’ve been blocking ourselves from this blissfully aligned connection, and determining what steps we can now take to walk our most aligned path with ease, grace, and flow . . . sounds magical, doesn’t it??
Regardless of whether you’ve been consistent with your spiritual practices for a while or not, this Full Moon is an invitation to set aside any pressure you’ve been putting on yourself to control or show up in any particular way, recognize you can always begin again, and there’s no need to feel shame or lack of self-worth if you haven’t done all the things you decided you would do or be by this point in your life. Pisces energy is all about the release into the creative and the understanding that we are all existing in a vast sea of consciousness and we will be just fine with or without the boundaries we set.
For those of us who really like to try to control things, this may seem counterintuitive – I know – but, if we allow ourselves this opportunity to acknowledge our dreams and connect with the ideas which allow us to experience pure joy, we might just find the clarity we need around the steps we need to take for these dreams to make their way into our tangible reality.
The energies associated with this Full Moon, other planetary aspects, as well as the Autumnal Equinox this week make this a perfect time for setting goals. Remember, goals are dreams with plans. If there’s no plan, it’s just a dream. Many of us are going through big transformations right now – realizing the end of something that isn’t working for us anymore (like an old belief pattern) and stepping into something new. Use this opportunity to listen to the dreams which have been making themselves known to you and determine specific action steps you can take toward manifesting them. This is the time.
It might be that what’s showing up is that you’re not feeling super joyful about something you’ve been working toward and you feel lighter when you think about shifting away from that thing. It’s okay. Do it. A dream should never feel like a death sentence. Pivot, and focus on cultivating more of the qualities you need to realize the dreams which give you a sense of feeling light. Take action steps in the direction where you feel you breathe more easily, you experience a state of flow, and you know in your heart this dream is perfect for you and you are perfect for it.
If you’ve been following my content for a while, you know I talk a lot about fear and limiting beliefs . . . and this is no exception! Fear of success and fear of failure – the fear of how much your life may change if your dream became your reality – how far out of your comfort zone would you be pulled – and the fear of getting so close, it’s just within your grasp, but then believing you’re not good enough, so you never quite make it past the hurdle which would bring you there.
But – what if – you knew you are good enough and your comfort zone could be adjusted so you could feel safe and comfortable AND also live your dream? Mind blown. Could this really happen?? Well, does it happen for anyone else? Why not you? Visualize it.
Always remember, you are what you think and you always have the power to choose where you focus your thoughts. Be kind to yourself.
You are limitless.
Remember, your natal chart shows your own very personal unique energetic signatures, so the current energetic influences will vary person by person, according to the placements of the transit planets as well as the natal planets in each individual’s chart. For a little more insight, you can look at the house ruled by Pisces in your natal chart.
Work with me! I offer Yoga and Pilates sessions, Meditation sessions and workshops, Mindset Mastery and Energy Coaching sessions, Astrology readings, Crystal Reiki trainings (Levels One, Two, and Master/Teacher), – in person or via Zoom or Skype, and Yoga Alliance approved 200 Hour Hatha/Raja Yoga Teacher Trainings. Click here to schedule your personal session, click here for live group events and classes, or email WellnessCraze@gmail.com to discuss how I can facilitate your journey now!
Now offering AstroYoga sessions! AstroYoga allows us to develop yoga sequences to help you balance the energies in your natal chart, based on the current placements of the planets, or both… DM for more info!
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Practice with me @capecoralyoga and on Zoom… DM for registration info for Meditation, Yoga, Pilates classes, Yoga Teacher Trainings (next round begins October 9!), workshops, and private sessions.