Welcome To New Beginnings! Aquarius New Moon
Welcome to new beginnings!
Many of us have been taking a good look at the path we’ve chosen over the last few weeks. What have you discovered? What have you released?
This is the first new moon of 2020, following an incredibly energetic eclipse season, so this is the first time we’re planting seeds of intention for this year. This is the time to get super clear about the direction you wish your life to go, release your past, and commit to your future.
Aquarius energy
The energy of Aquarius is radical, revolutionary, honest… As you think about what you’d like to cultivate over this next lunar cycle (or perhaps longer-term), take note of the wild ideas that come up for you over the next day or so. What would you love to sustain? What really speaks to your truth?
Notice the voice that tries to tell you your idea is too wild or it will never work (there’s always that voice). Is that the present or future version of yourself or is that some past version you’ve been in the process of quieting down? Is it the voice of your fear? Remember, fear serves a purpose, however, you always have a choice to not allow fear to run your life.
Can you take some time for yourself this afternoon or this evening to just sit in quiet stillness… mindfully present with whatever thoughts arise, and just notice what comes up? Be honest with yourself about what is working, objective about what will work (without listening to the voice of fear simply telling you it won’t), and honest about what you truly desire to manifest. This is a time of new beginnings, right?
Pluto and Saturn
Pluto and Saturn are no longer directly conjunct, however, they are still very close in the sign Capricorn, so this idea of exploring our foundations with clarity about what is working and where we feel fear continues to be a theme. As the year goes on and these planets start to separate, the energetic impact will lessen, but this energy is going to stick around through most of this year, ending on December 26.
Uranus aspect
The moon forms a square with the planet Uranus in the sign Taurus. The energy of Uranus is similar to Aquarius – unpredictable, radical, inspirational flashes, while Taurus energy is earth energy – grounded, stable, secure. This is a great opportunity for growth and transformation. Notice when you feel like you’re outside your comfort zone over the next day or two. These feelings may spark the awakening needed for you to take the steps necessary to shift.
You’re always stronger than you think
Although you may be working with some new perspectives and insights, remember it’s okay not to see the full picture this moment. You’re still moving forward and the universe rarely shows us more than one step at a time. It’s okay to release attachment to the person you were yesterday so you can become tomorrow’s version of you.
Here’s to new beginnings!
Work with me! I offer Yoga sessions, Mindset Mastery & Energy Coaching sessions, Astrology readings, and Crystal Reiki trainings (Levels one, two, & Master/Teacher) – in person or via webcam. Click here to schedule your personal session, click here for live group events and classes, or email WellnessCraze@gmail.com to discuss how I can help you on your journey now!
Photo courtesy Javier Allegue Barros on Unsplash – Thank you!